Meliton Arrocha Alejandro

Melitón Alejandro Arrocha Ruiz




Arrocha is a working lawyer and founding partner of the law firm Arrocha y Co. He studied at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Santa María La Antigua University (1993), earned a Master’s degree in Law from American University (1994), a Postgraduate Degree in International Business at Georgetown University (1994) and conducted advanced studies as a Fellow at Harvard University (2016-2017).

He is a member of the Forum of Foreign Lawyers and the Inter-American Bar of Lawyers. Mr. Arrocha has been professor of Introduction to Law at the Universidad Santa María La Antigua and has professionally held various positions in the public and private sectors. In the public sector he has been Deputy Minister of the Presidency (1999), Deputy Minister for Foreign Trade (2000-2003), Commissioner of the Committee on Free Competition and Consumer Affairs (2004-2006), Vice-Chancellor of the Republic (2009-2010), Elected Deputy to the National Assembly (2014-2019), Minister of Trade and Industries (2014-2015) and Permanent Ambassador/Representative of the Republic of Panama to the United Nations in New York (2018-2019). During his term as Ambassador he was elected Vice-President of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly and was appointed as Chairman-in-Charge of that agency.

In the private sector, in addition to his practice as a lawyer, he has been a member of the boards of Elektra Noreste, a company in charge of the supply of electricity and Cable & Wireless, S.A., a fixed telephone and cellular company.

Arrocha was born in Panama on September 15, 1968, married and is a father to two children.